Mission | Vision | Purpose | Core Values
The Hilltop International Christian Center is a spirit filled non denominational faith community where people of all ages, race and walks of life are welcome to enjoy fellowship that will spur growth to their full potential in Christ.
We desire the overflowing manifestation of God's presence that brings all into awe and worship of Him.
We are Christ's light of the World - like a city on a Hilltop that cannot be hidden. Our light brings Revival, Love, Joy, Peace, Hope, Faith, Healing and Empowerment. We shine for the praise of our heavenly Father.
- Matthew 5:14-16
About Us

Our vision is to be a portal for transformational impact: Raising Leaders, Modeling Christ for the benefit of our local and global communities.
Our mission at the Hilltop is to bring the good news of salvation in Christ to everyone and to empower the believer to recognize, nurture, and use their God given abilities to its full potential in Christ for the benefit of our communities and to the praise of our heavenly Father.

Core Values & Purpose
Our core values of Love, Excellence, Accountability and Purity
are always evident in our primary purposes of:
This is the corporate and private worship of God. We worship Him in truth and in spirit, and with our substance
Our consistent tithing and offerings to the Lord is an integral part of exaltation
Sharing the good news of Christ's love and sacrificial death on the cross for the redemption of mankind
We accept this commission as a priority to be carried out with genuine love and concern for all
In depth study and sharing of the Word of God to build an interdependent body of believers dedicated to achieving God's purpose with knowledge and in the power of the Holy Spirit
Reaching into our communities with the goodness and mercy of God, meeting people at their place of need